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- Ossiach Lake
We counted: There are exactly 45 steps to the shore of the lake. Bodensdorf and the mountains are not far, either. And you can easily reach us by car, train and plane.
From Germany:
A8/A1 in the direction of Salzburg - near Salzburg on the A10 Tauernautobahn in the direction of Graz/Villach to the Villach/Ossiacher See exit - on Ossiacher-See-Strasse in the direction of Bodensdorf (10 km) to St. Urban - turn right after the town sign.
From Vienna:
A2 Südautobahn in the direction of Villach - at the Villach junction in the direction of Salzburg to the Villach/Ossiacher See exit - on Ossiacher-See-Strasse in the direction of Bodensdorf (10 km) to St. Urban - turn right after the town sign.
From Italy/Slovenia:
in the direction of Villach - at the Villach junction in the direction of Salzburg to the Villach/Ossiacher See exit - on Ossiacher-See-Strasse in the direction of Bodensdorf (10 km) to St. Urban - turn right after the town sign.
With the international train service to Villach/main station and from there by regional train to St. Urban/Ossiacher See.
The nearest airports are in Klagenfurt (approx. 50 km) and Ljubljana (approx. 106 km).